Saturday, November 8, 2014

NOTD and Kitty Update

Happy Caturday all, 

Hope you all are having a great weekend.  I have no plans really this weekend, which I am okay with.  This is the first weekend in around 5 or 6 weeks that I have not had anything to do so, I am getting some stuff done around home, doing some crafty stuff, getting stuff crossed off my "To Do" list, yay, and, of course, hanging out and loving the kitties while the hubby is at work.

I did these nails this past Wednesday night.  Just a simple creme base, glitter accent nails and sparkle top coat.  I used China Glaze "Kinetic Candy" as my base, Orly "Mirrorball" for my accent nails and Finger Paints "Sparkle Top Coat" for the others. 

                                                                  Polishes Used
Orly "Bonder", China Glaze "Kinetic Candy", Orly "Mirrorball", Finger Paints "Sparkle Top Coat", NYC Quick Dry TC

 I also have an update on our new fur baby, Betty.  She did not get spayed on Tuesday, she has an upper respiratory infection and now is in kitty quarantine in our bathroom to get better.  She's a really good girl.  My hubby, Matt, and I love her so much.  She is such a sweet and loving cat and we are so happy she came into our lives.  I leave you with your Caturday cat today, Betty, in her "sick room", poor baby, but, she is feeling better and hopefully by the end of next week she will get fixed. 


That's all I have for now kids, planning on doing my nails either later today or tomorrow and will see you all tomorrow when I post. Have a great rest of Caturday all.

Love and kitties,


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