Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Splatter Nails & Mr. Beans

Howdy loves, 

We made it thru Hump Day, yay!  Today I have some splatter nails that I did one day last week.  I love splatter nails, they are so cool and very easy to do.  I used a base of Orly Bonder (a rubberized base coat that helps polish adhere to the nails), then a base coat color of Essie "First Timer" on all nails then added a coat of Jesse's Girl "Fire Fly" on all nails except my  accent nails.  After I did my splatters, I did apply one coat of a shimmery "Melly Mix" (one I made throwing different polishes together) on all my accent nails. I did the splatters with China Glaze "Kiwi Cool-Ada", LA Colors "Mint" and OPI "Don't Mess With Texas".  You do a splatter  by taking a straw, regular drinking straw (I cut them in half to cut down on waste) or a coffee stirrer straw  and pick up one color of polish on the straw from drops on a plate or whatever you want to use, then hold the straw above the nail and blow on the straw to create the splatter effect.  I will kinda roll the straw in the polish drops to pick it up on the straw.  Repeat these steps for each color you choose to splatter with.  I used three polishes.  Prior to splattering the nails, use some lip chap to coat around the nail to make clean up much easier.  I use the makeup applicators dipped in acetone to clean up the polish on my fingers and cuticles when I am done splattering.  I finished off my mani with a coat of Seche Vite Quick Dry top coat. 

Polishes Used

Essie "First Time", Jesse's Girl "Fire Fly", China Glaze "Kiwi Cool-Ada", OPI "Don't Mess With Texas", LA Colors "Mint' Melly Mix

My plate, straw (I use the same straw half for all the nails, I just wipe it off between colors), my lip chap I use for coating the skin around my nails to be splattered and the makeup applicators I use for clean up.  I pour some acetone in an empty lid from a bottle of nail polish remover and dip the applicator in that for clean up. Those lids work really great for using for clean up.

Here's another shot of my splatter.  

                                                          First Timer on it's own. 

And, there you go, another easy and fun mani to do!  I do have two other nail posts to get up yet, will do another post tonight and the other one tomorrow night. 

I leave you all with Mr. Beans, the awesome Pit Bull that our one sales guy, Don, at work and his daughter, Holly, have.  This was one of the times Beans came to the office to visit.  He loves his visits to the office.  I am so in love with this dog, he's a doll baby, such a good dog and a WONDERFUL ambassador for the Pit Bull breed, truly the world's most misunderstood breed of dog.  I LOVE Pit Bulls and have many a Pit Bull friends.  They really are great dogs.

Mr. Beans visiting the office
Chitter chatter with you all very soon.

Polish, Pups and Love,


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