Friday, February 27, 2015

Holo Top Coat #3

It's Friday, yay!  

Happy it is the weekend, it was a long week, yet, still went quickly.  I'm going to keep going thru and purging some stuff, nails, reading and cuddling the kitties.  I love weekends :)

I have the third holo top coat today on a base of Orly Bonder, two coats of China Glaze "License & Registration, Pls." on all nails, one coat of Candy Lacquer "Sugar Water" (indie) on my accent nails, then one coat of Stardust Polish "Holy Holo" on the rest, then one coat of Seche Vite Quick Dry on all nails.  I really love this holo as it's got a more lavender than gray in the base.  I also got to take these pics outside today while there was some strange ball of round fire in the sky, but, I'll take it, it was so nice to be in that light by that fire.  I went to get cat food and litter at the Feed Store today and took these in the Feed Store's parking lot and a couple in the bank line too.  I like that I got outside pics for once, especially since it's a holo, yay!


                                                           Polishes Used
Orly Bonder, China Glaze "License & Registration, Pls", Candy Laquer "Sugar Water", Stardust Polish "Holy Holo", Seche Vite Quick Dry
License & Registration Pls. on it's own.

Have a great rest of the night.  I'll talk to you tomorrow when I post some more holo top coat nails, this time pink!  

I leave you with a pic of one of the Feed Store girls.  This is Boots, Chris, the owner also has two solid black girls too.  I love the Feed Store kitties, they are really sweet and good girls.  I love going to visit them. 
Boots, isn't she sweet, her and her sister, Puss, are becoming old ladies now, but, they love life.  I give them treats each visit :)

Polish & Purrs,


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