Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Splatter Splat Week Nails #1

Happy Tuesday Friends,

Hope you are all staying nice and warm.  It's been brutal here, temps in the single digits overnight and teens in the day.  It's supposed to be cold thru the weekend yet and then warm up some next week.  I hope that doesn't change. This cold is for the birds, ugh, I hate it.  At least I have my kitties to cuddle with to stay warm :)

Onto my nails.  I did these on Sunday, wanted to post last night, then fell asleep, so, didn't get a chance to. This is splatter splat week for me this week, so, all splatter nails this week.  For these nails I did my standard base coat of Orly Bonder, then two coats of China Glaze "I Sea The Point", then splattered first China Glaze "Feel The Breeze", then China Glaze "Boho Blues", then China Glaze "Lotus Begin" on my thumb and ring finger accent nails.  I then did one coat of China Glaze "Fairy Dust" on my accent nails, then one coat of Red Carpet "Makeup Time" on the rest of my nails, then finished all nails off with a coat of Seche Vite Quick Dry top coat.  To do splatter nails, take some polish and put a glob on a plate, then take a straw (I cut them in half) and pick up polish on the straw, place above the nails a few inches, then blow the polish onto the nail to get the splatter, repeat this step for all the colors you want to splatter.  Use some lip chap around the skin of the nails to help with clean up.  When you are done splattering all the nails you want to, take a clean up brush dipped in acetone to get the polish off of your skin around the nails. I really like doing splatter nails.  You can come up with some pretty color combinations and it's just fun to do and pretty easy too.

I Sea The Point on it's own.  I love this blue, it's so pretty.
Hope you enjoyed them, I did.  I did do a new mani tonight.  I'll post those on Thursday since tomorrow night I'll be spending the night at my parent's house and won't have my computer.  Going to spend the rest of tonight cuddling with the kitties, mostly Miss Betty, as she hasn't left my/her spot on the couch since I got home from work.  Going to watch Better Call Saul from last night since I didn't see it cuz' I fell asleep, then it's to bed I go.  I need my sleep, especially on work nights.  I am also finally almost back to feeling myself from being sick the last two weeks, that was terrible, so happy that I am feeling so much better, yay!

No new kitty pics today, so, I'll leave you with one of my favorite pics of Miss Betty.  I just love this little cat so, so, so much, she's so sweet, snuggly and cuddly and she just loves her Mommy.  She's my baby, that's fur sure and she's just so stinkin' cute too :)  I love her so much. 

Polish and Purrs, 



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