Saturday, February 21, 2015

Caturday Splatter Splat Nails

Happy Caturday Friends,

It's Caturday, yay, and the weekend.  I am so happy it's finally the weekend.  It was a really long work week and this past week was just brutally cold.  I was so happy to not have to get up and go out in the cold this morning except to feed my outside kitty.  I hate the cold so bad, it just hurts, yuck, and today it's snowing and we are supposed to get 3 to 5 inches and then more extreme cold, bah, is it Spring yet!!!

I only got to do two splatter nails this past week.  Only got to paint my nails once this past week, gasp.  So, for splatter week, I only had two manis, oh well.  I did these on Tuesday night, didn't get a chance to post until now tho'.  I started with a base of Orly Bonder, then two coats of OPI "Lost My Bikini In Molokini", then used OPI "Viking In A Vinter Vonderland" and Sally Hansen Salon Manicure "Courtesan" for the splatters on my ring and thumb accent nails, then one coat of CND Effects "Amethyst Sparkle" on all nails, then a coat of Seche Vite Quick Dry on all nails to finish.  I love splatter nails so much, they just look cool and are fun to do. You just drop some polish on a plate and dip the straw in it, then hold the straw several inches above your nail and blow thru the straw to get the polish to splatter on your nails.  Use lip chap around the nails to help with clean up when you are done.  Use a brush or the pointy tipped makeup applicators dipped in acetone to clean up.  I use both when I need to do clean up.  Here they are, I like these colors together.



I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the purple sparkle in Amethyst Sparkle, it's so pretty.  I love all the CND Effects top coats that I have, they are so pretty and look so good over cremes.
Lost My Bikini In Molokini on it's own,  This is a really pretty purple.  I just got it when I got the ones I wanted from the OPI Spring Hawaii collection that is out now.  Can never have enough purples in my life.  
                                                                    Polishes Used:
OPI "Lost My Bikini In Molokini", OPI "Viking In A Vinter Vonderland", Sally Hansen Salon Manicure "Courtesan", CND Effects "Amethyst Sparkle"
Hope you all have a great rest of Caturday.  I am going to paint my nails today, will post them tomorrow. Not much going on this weekend. I've been working on purging and organizing some stuff around home, my nails, reading, cuddling the kitties, the normal relaxing stuff I do.  Then, tomorrow night it's Walking Dead, yay! 

Stay warm all.  I'll talk to you tomorrow.  I leave you with Pudge, Jack and Sparky for your Caturday kitty pictures. These are 3 of the 6 cats that my parents have that I got pics of on Wednesday night when I was out there visiting.  Jack is the old man out there and they are all really good kitties.  I heart them :) 
Old Man Jack, he's so awesome, I love him so much, he's so sweet and just always wants love.
 Polish & Purrs,


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