Saturday, January 31, 2015

Fan Brush Nails

Happy Caturday All, 

Hope the weekend is going well for you.  Mine has been uneventful and I am okay with that.  Today I did my nails, some stuff around the apt., took a nap, cuddled the kitties, read my book and read some nail blogs.  Very relaxing, I am so okay with that too.  It's been nice.  Tomorrow I am cleaning.  It's overdue and next weekend I am having friends over for the season premieres of The Walking Dead (yay, so looking forward to my WD coming back on, yay) and Better Call Saul, the spin off show from Breaking Bad.  I hope it's good.  I love BB, so, looking forward to this and cleaning it is tomorrow.  Tonight I am hanging out cuddling the cats. 

On to the nails.  I just did quick fan brush nails today.  I used a coat of Bonder, then two coats of China Glaze "Feel The Breeze", then brushed China Glaze "Highlight Of My Summer" and "Metro Pollen-tin" on my thumb and ring accent nails, then a coat of China Glaze "Fairy Dust" on top of my brushed nails and a coat of ILNP "My Private Rainbow" on the rest, then one coat of Seche Vite Quick Dry and then I was done. When you use a fan brush, coat the skin around the nails with lip chap, then paint some polish directly onto the bristles, then lightly brush across the nail with each color. When you are done brushing on the nails, clean up the skin around your nails with a clean up brush and acetone.  This was the second or third time I've used my fan brush.  I want to get cleaner lines, but, I still love the way these look and the colors together make me happy.

                                                 Polishes Used
Orly Bonder, China Glaze "Feel The Breeze", Highlight Of My Summer", Metro Pollen-tin", ILNP "My Private Rainbow", Seche Vite Quick Dry  
My fan brush that I used
Feel The Breeze on it's own.  I love pinks like this.

Here's some kitty pics for Caturday :) 

Have a great rest of Caturday!  I know I will :)  Talk to you all again tomorrow since I have to do my nails again since I broke the corners off of two today taking a book out of a wash basket that the corners of the books got stuck in and, of course, it's on my left hand, the one I take pics of, oh well.  My nub nails grow fast thankfully.

Purrs & Polish, 


Thursday, January 29, 2015

Sponge Week Interrupted For Sparkle!

Happy Friday Eve Friends,

Tomorrow's Friday, yay!!  I decided that I wanted to interrupt Sponge Week with some glitter.  I've been really hurting this week with my back and hips, so, I didn't really feel like spending much time on my nails, so, glitter it is, like anyone doesn't want GLITTER anyways!!!  Here they are.  I used a base of Sinful Colors "Lavander" (that's how it's spelled on the bottle).  No bottle shots or names, just nails tonight.

Lavandar on it's own
 I am going to try to do one more sponge mani for this week for my Sponge Week.  

In other news, good news, our baby bear kitty, Miss Betty got in the big kid litter box tonight,  was sniffing around and inspecting it which is great because that means we can finally get her little box out of the bathroom where we've had it for her since she came to live with us early November.  She's a really scared kitty about things and it's taking her some time to adjust to house kitty life. She ran downstairs about a week after she was here, was terrified of the basement, hid under the old stinky oil tank and wouldn't come out for two days, poor baby, so, she's still a bit nervous about the steps and the basement.  But, now we can move that box back downstairs slowly and my hubby and I are going to start carrying her and holding her downstairs when we go down to get her confidence up about the basement.  She'll get it, she's so happy, loves life and trusts Mommy and Daddy a bazillion percent.  We have the one big kid litter box upstairs right now cuz' we have our outside kitty staying downstairs until it warms up, so, he's down there and we shut the basement door. I am so proud of her and when I saw her get in it tonight I had such a proud kitty Mommy moment, yay, our baby Betty.

That's it for now.  I am hurting and am going to just chill the rest of the night.  Talk to you all soon.  Dino and Pebbles bid you fare thee well till we chat again! 
Dino & Pebbles
 Glitter & Purrs, 


Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Sponge Week Nails #2, New Cat Ring & The Girls

Hi my friends, 

Happy Tuesday.  Hope you are well and the week's going good for you.  It's so cold out here, it's supposed to go down in the low teens and single digits the next few nights, least I have the kitties to cuddle with in this cold.  I got a new cat ring that I'll show at the end of this post.  I got it on clearance from some site that sells cat related things and this ring was only 19 bucks, it's sterling silver too.  I prefer silver to gold jewelry and I love this ring, happy I impulse bought it, LOL :) 

On to my nails.  I started with a base of Orly Bonder (rubberized base coat), then two coats of China Glaze "More To Explore", then I used an eyeshadow applicator and sponged my accent nails with first China Glaze "Seduce Me", then OPI "Can't Find My Czechbook", then OPI "Most Honorable Red", then I put a coat of ILNP "My Private Rainbow" on all nails, but, my accent nails, on those I put one coat of China Glaze "Fairy Dust", then a coat of Seche Vite Quick Dry and I was good to go. I did these the same way as my nails from Sunday, put drops of each color on a plate, then dip the eyeshadow applicator in the polish and dab onto the nail.  I put lip chap around the skin to help with cleanup after sponging my nails.  Here's my Sponge Nails #2.  I like them. 

                                                                   Polishes Used
China Glaze"More To Explore", China Glaze "Seduce Me", OPI "Can't Find My Czechbook", OPI "Most Honorable Red", ILNP "My Private Rainbow"
My plate for drops of polish, my eyeshadow applicators, my clean up acetone, brush and makeup apps. and my lip chap for putting on the skin around my nails to help with cleanup.
More To Explore on it's own.  This is also from the new China Glaze Road Trip collection that is out now. I love these peachy coral pinky oranges so much.  I'll for sure use this one again.  I think I want to water marble with it if it turns out that it will marble nice, that is.
That's it for my nails tonight.  I am not sure if I will do my nails tomorrow night or not.  I am spending the night at my parent's house to spend some time with them.  With Dad getting sick I am going to be sleeping over there every Wednesday night from now on just so I can hang out with them, see my sister, see my horse and all the other pets out there too.  It is going to be hard to be away from my fur babies once a week, but, this is my childhood home and I am happy that I will get to spend time with them this way.  I love my parents so much, they are wonderful and amazing people.  I wish everyone could be as blessed as I am with the parents I have.  It's really hard seeing them get older and getting the health issues, sigh.  But, I can't dwell on that, I have to just be there in the immediate moment and be happy we are all together and thankful that we have this time with each other.  Soooo.......going to get my Mommy to let me paint her nails once when I am out there too.  Mom is so not a makeup or nail lady at all and that's okay, but, she's going to have no choice in the matter cuz' her little girl, Smelly Melly, that's me, says so :)))

Here's my new kitty ring, I freaking love this and love that it's adjustable too.  I now have two cat rings, yay :)  I love cats, just in case you haven't figgered that out Isn't this ring so cool!!!  I love it and the black eyes too, yay!

 Here's my other cat ring I have.  I got this at the most wonderful little new age boutique in our area.  I love it, it reminds me of an alien cat, teeee........heeeeeeeeee............

 And....that's all folks!!!!!  Here's my girls, Miss Betty, my baby bear baby and Princess Pebbles, my pretty gorgeous little girl.  Betty is our little baby and Pebbles is our little lady :) I am going to give you a little Pebs overload tho' cuz' I got several really good shots of her here, yay.  She's such a sleek, regal and elegant little cat.  The Ancient Egyptians would have so loved Whippersnapper, her nickname, and probably deified her as pretty and classy as she is.  She is my princess, I love her....Meow.....Mew.....Purr....Purrrrrr........
Betty using her fish toy as a pillow.  She is so cute, so cute!
                                                             Princess Pebbles

 Hugs & Polish & Purrs & Purrs & Purrs, 

Smelly Melly 

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Sleepy Sunday & Sponge Week

Happy Sleepy Sunday,

Hope you are all good.  I am okay.  I am so ready for warmer weather to get here, when it's much more bearable for me.  Being in pain is just icky.  The cold just hurts, dang it. I did some things around home this morning, did my nails and going to spend the rest of today relaxing on the heating pad before the work week starts.  I'll catch up on reading some nail blogs, reading my book and maybe even napping.  The kitties have been napping all day. It's definitely a sleepy kind of Sunday.   We are supposed to get some significant snow accumulation too tonight thru tomorrow evening.  Snow, ick, snow, no snow, dang it.

I did my first sponge nails for this week's Sponge Week.  I used Orly Bonder as my base, two coats of China Glaze "Trip Of A Lime Time" on all nails, then sponged first, China Glaze "License & Registration Pls", then China Glaze "Pop The Trunk", then Orly "Coachella Dweller", next I put one coat of Sally Hansen "Twist Of Lime" on all nails, then finished with a coat of Seche Vite Quick Dry on all nails.  Then I was done.  I'll caption the pics below my nails on how I did these.  I love these, they are fun.  I like doing sponged nail art, it's easy and looks really cool done :)

I really like how these came out and I love the glitter on top of the sponged nails. Below are the polishes I used and how I did these nails.  

                                                     Polishes Used
Bonder, China Glaze "Trip Of A Lime Time", China Glaze "License & Registration Pls", China Glaze "Pop The Trunk", Orly "Coachella Dweller", Sally Hansen "Twist Of Lime", Seche Vite Fast Dry
For doing sponge nails, you want to cut up into smaller pieces a bigger sponge.  I use a variety of different textured sponges to get different sponged looks.  I'll use makeup sponges, kitchen sponges and bath sponges for my sponging.  You want to first take some lip chap and put some around the skin of the nails on the nails you want to sponge on to help with clean up.  Next, drop a few drops of your first color onto a paper plate, piece of cardboard, etc., then dip one sponge into the polish and dab onto your nail, repeat this for the rest of your nails, then do the same for the remaining colors.  I do one nail, one color at a time. I use a new sponge for each color.  I used three colors here. Then after you are done sponging, take a clean up brush or makeup applicators dipped in acetone and clean up the polish around your nails and cuticles. Then you are done.  Sponging is definitely up there in the easy nail art category for sure and it's fun to do too!
My sponges, plate, clean up brush, acetone and lip chap
Polish dropped on to sponge.  It's the orange blob in the middle.
My sponges after I got done sponging on my nails.
My clean up arsenal
This was before I cleaned up the polish on m cuticles and fingers.  You can see how far I put the lip chap.  For marbling I do the underside and a bit further back towards the knuckle.
Trip Of A Lime Time on it's own.  This is also from the new Spring China Glaze Road Trip Collection.  Pop The Trunk and License & Registration Pls are also from the Road Trip Collection.
And, that's my first Sponge Week nails.  I'll post more sponged nails by Tuesday this week.  I am enjoying giving myself these for Melly nail challenges.  Hope you enjoy Sponge Week. 

That's all I have for now.  It's time to relax and spend some time with the kitties.  Watching Eurotrip and I still love this movie so much every time I see it. 'Skooooooooozeeeee.........oh...........Skoooooooooooozeeeeeeeeee............!!!   I laugh every time during the skoozeeeee...part.  This movie is so funny.  

I leave you with Miss Betty and Buster.  She's slowly getting Buster to let her cuddle up with him.  It's cute. She will slowly starting inching her way towards him until she's snuggled up against him :)

Have a great rest of the weekend.  

