Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Sponge Week Nails #2, New Cat Ring & The Girls

Hi my friends, 

Happy Tuesday.  Hope you are well and the week's going good for you.  It's so cold out here, it's supposed to go down in the low teens and single digits the next few nights, brrrrr.......at least I have the kitties to cuddle with in this cold.  I got a new cat ring that I'll show at the end of this post.  I got it on clearance from some site that sells cat related things and this ring was only 19 bucks, it's sterling silver too.  I prefer silver to gold jewelry and I love this ring, happy I impulse bought it, LOL :) 

On to my nails.  I started with a base of Orly Bonder (rubberized base coat), then two coats of China Glaze "More To Explore", then I used an eyeshadow applicator and sponged my accent nails with first China Glaze "Seduce Me", then OPI "Can't Find My Czechbook", then OPI "Most Honorable Red", then I put a coat of ILNP "My Private Rainbow" on all nails, but, my accent nails, on those I put one coat of China Glaze "Fairy Dust", then a coat of Seche Vite Quick Dry and I was good to go. I did these the same way as my nails from Sunday, put drops of each color on a plate, then dip the eyeshadow applicator in the polish and dab onto the nail.  I put lip chap around the skin to help with cleanup after sponging my nails.  Here's my Sponge Nails #2.  I like them. 

                                                                   Polishes Used
China Glaze"More To Explore", China Glaze "Seduce Me", OPI "Can't Find My Czechbook", OPI "Most Honorable Red", ILNP "My Private Rainbow"
My plate for drops of polish, my eyeshadow applicators, my clean up acetone, brush and makeup apps. and my lip chap for putting on the skin around my nails to help with cleanup.
More To Explore on it's own.  This is also from the new China Glaze Road Trip collection that is out now. I love these peachy coral pinky oranges so much.  I'll for sure use this one again.  I think I want to water marble with it if it turns out that it will marble nice, that is.
That's it for my nails tonight.  I am not sure if I will do my nails tomorrow night or not.  I am spending the night at my parent's house to spend some time with them.  With Dad getting sick I am going to be sleeping over there every Wednesday night from now on just so I can hang out with them, see my sister, see my horse and all the other pets out there too.  It is going to be hard to be away from my fur babies once a week, but, this is my childhood home and I am happy that I will get to spend time with them this way.  I love my parents so much, they are wonderful and amazing people.  I wish everyone could be as blessed as I am with the parents I have.  It's really hard seeing them get older and getting the health issues, sigh.  But, I can't dwell on that, I have to just be there in the immediate moment and be happy we are all together and thankful that we have this time with each other.  Soooo.......going to get my Mommy to let me paint her nails once when I am out there too.  Mom is so not a makeup or nail lady at all and that's okay, but, she's going to have no choice in the matter cuz' her little girl, Smelly Melly, that's me, says so :)))

Here's my new kitty ring, I freaking love this and love that it's adjustable too.  I now have two cat rings, yay :)  I love cats, just in case you haven't figgered that out yet....wink....wink....smile...smile.... Isn't this ring so cool!!!  I love it and the black eyes too, yay!

 Here's my other cat ring I have.  I got this at the most wonderful little new age boutique in our area.  I love it, it reminds me of an alien cat, teeee........heeeeeeeeee............

 And....that's all folks!!!!!  Here's my girls, Miss Betty, my baby bear baby and Princess Pebbles, my pretty gorgeous little girl.  Betty is our little baby and Pebbles is our little lady :) I am going to give you a little Pebs overload tho' cuz' I got several really good shots of her here, yay.  She's such a sleek, regal and elegant little cat.  The Ancient Egyptians would have so loved Whippersnapper, her nickname, and probably deified her as pretty and classy as she is.  She is my princess, I love her....Meow.....Mew.....Purr....Purrrrrr........
Betty using her fish toy as a pillow.  She is so cute, so cute!
                                                             Princess Pebbles

 Hugs & Polish & Purrs & Purrs & Purrs, 

Smelly Melly 

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