Saturday, January 3, 2015

It's Caturday & Fan Brush Nails

Happy Caturday Morning My Loves, 

It's Caturday, yay!  Hope everyone is having a great weekend.  Today I will be straightening up and redding up (if you are from South Central Pennsylvania, you've for sure heard the term "red up", meaning clean or straighten up things, in this case, our apartment), organizing my pictures on my computer, working on some crafty stuff, going thru some nail stuff to purge and then spending some quality time with my hubby after he gets off of work tonight.  Tomorrow a couple friends are coming over for dinner and nail time, yay.  I am looking forward to it.  I love hanging out with friends :) 

Today I have a fan brush mani that I did on Thursday.  This is the first time I used my fan brush and need to practice more, but, I still like how these came out.  I used my standard base of Orly Bonder (adhesive base coat), then two coats of China Glaze "Giver's Theme" on all nails, then I used Orly "Lollipop" and China Glaze "Under the Boardwalk" for my thumb and ring finger accent nails with the fan brush, then a coat of China Glaze "Golden Enchantment" (the gold version of CG "Fairy Dust") on my accents, then one coat of a Melly Mix (a sparkly top coat I made mixing different sparkle polishes together) on all my other nails.  I then put a coat of Poshe Fast Dry top coat on all nails.  For the fan brushing, I put some lip chap around the skin of each nail to help with clean up and then a few drops of each polish I used on my plate and then dipped the brush in the polish, dabbed the excess off on the plate, then went from side to side on each accent nail with each color. I have to be a little lighter handed next time to make it neater.  After that I then cleaned up around my nails with my clean up brush dipped in some acetone.  I have pics of both hands for this post which I usually don't, but, I like my thumb the best on my right hand, so, wanted to include a picture of that hand this time.  Here they are. I am going to use the fan brush again.  I do really love the look it gives you.

My left hand
My right hand, I really love my thumb on this one
                                                                  Polishes Used:
China Glaze "Giver's Theme", China Glaze "Under the Boardwalk", Orly "Lollipop", Melly Mix, China Glaze "Golden Enchantment"
My fan brush
Giver's Theme on it's own, it's really pretty
That's all for now.  I leave you with your Caturday dose of kitties with a picture of our girls, Pebbles and Betty sleeping.  Talk to you all soon!

Pebbles & Betty
 Polish, Peace & Purrs,



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