Saturday, January 17, 2015

Happy Black Cat Caturday & Sponged Nails

Happy Caturday friends, 

It's Caturday yay, the weekend.  I am going to some friends that are having a post-post New Year's party tonight.  They have a post Halloween party also and I was so happy when I saw the invite for a post-post New Year party.  I can't wait to see my friends and just have a good time with great people.  I love my friends, yay ;)

Today I've just done the usual, laundry, dishes, cleaning up around the apartment, hanging out with the kitties and did my nails too.  I did a sponged mani today.  I started with a coat of Orly Bonder, my usual adhesive base coat, then two coats of OPI "Koala Bear-y" on all nails.  I then put lip chap on the skin around my accent nails prior to doing the sponging.  This helps with clean up when you are done.  I took two pieces of some cut up face sponges and then dropped some of my first color to sponge which was OPI "Ogre The Top Blue" onto my nail art plate, dipped my sponge in the polish, then dabbed it onto my ring and thumb nails on both hands.  Next I dropped some of Orly "Saturated" onto my plate and dabbed a new sponge in that, then dabbed it on my nails the same was as with the blue.  I then used my cleanup brush dipped in acetone to clean the polish off of my skin where it got on during the sponging.  I put one coat of ILNP "My Private Rainbow" (the scattered version), then a coat of Seche Vite Quick Dry on all nails and was done.  Here they are.  I love them.  Sponging is another technique for nail art that is easy to do too.  I am really glad that I've been doing nail art so much lately.  It's fun and a great outlet for me.  

Left hand
Right hand
 Polishes Used:
Orly "Bonder", OPI "Koala Bear-y", OPI "Ogre The Top Blue", Orly "Saturated", ILNP "My Private Rainbow" (scattered version), Seche Vite Quick Dry
My plate for the polish and my cut up sponges I used.  I use one for each color I sponged, so, I used two of these.  My lip chap for around my skin, my cleanup brush and acetone for cleanup.
My nails after the first color was sponged on.
Koala Bear-y on it's own.  This polish is one of my polishes I had when I first got really addicted to polish, around 2008-9ish.  I still love this polish and the formula is awesome on this.  It's a really pretty berry shade.
That's it for today.  Have a fantabulous rest of Caturday and I'll talk to you all probably tomorrow again.  I'll leave you with our three Black Cats enjoying their Happy Caturday for sure!  We have 6 cats, 3 of them solid black.  I love all kitties, but, the solid blacks are my heart and soul when it comes to cats.  I love Black Cats, I just love them so much and want ALL the Black Cats!  My dream is to start a no kill black cat rescue/sanctuary since black cats are the least likely to be adopted due to people's stupid superstitions and I just don't get it at all.  Black cats bring you nothing but happiness, love and luck.  They are so pretty too.  I've had several black cats in my life and will always have a black cat or two or three or fifty.  I just love black cats so much :)

                                                         Pebbles, Dino & Betty

Polish, Purrs & Peace,


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