Saturday, January 31, 2015

Fan Brush Nails

Happy Caturday All, 

Hope the weekend is going well for you.  Mine has been uneventful and I am okay with that.  Today I did my nails, some stuff around the apt., took a nap, cuddled the kitties, read my book and read some nail blogs.  Very relaxing, I am so okay with that too.  It's been nice.  Tomorrow I am cleaning.  It's overdue and next weekend I am having friends over for the season premieres of The Walking Dead (yay, so looking forward to my WD coming back on, yay) and Better Call Saul, the spin off show from Breaking Bad.  I hope it's good.  I love BB, so, looking forward to this and cleaning it is tomorrow.  Tonight I am hanging out cuddling the cats. 

On to the nails.  I just did quick fan brush nails today.  I used a coat of Bonder, then two coats of China Glaze "Feel The Breeze", then brushed China Glaze "Highlight Of My Summer" and "Metro Pollen-tin" on my thumb and ring accent nails, then a coat of China Glaze "Fairy Dust" on top of my brushed nails and a coat of ILNP "My Private Rainbow" on the rest, then one coat of Seche Vite Quick Dry and then I was done. When you use a fan brush, coat the skin around the nails with lip chap, then paint some polish directly onto the bristles, then lightly brush across the nail with each color. When you are done brushing on the nails, clean up the skin around your nails with a clean up brush and acetone.  This was the second or third time I've used my fan brush.  I want to get cleaner lines, but, I still love the way these look and the colors together make me happy.

                                                 Polishes Used
Orly Bonder, China Glaze "Feel The Breeze", Highlight Of My Summer", Metro Pollen-tin", ILNP "My Private Rainbow", Seche Vite Quick Dry  
My fan brush that I used
Feel The Breeze on it's own.  I love pinks like this.

Here's some kitty pics for Caturday :) 

Have a great rest of Caturday!  I know I will :)  Talk to you all again tomorrow since I have to do my nails again since I broke the corners off of two today taking a book out of a wash basket that the corners of the books got stuck in and, of course, it's on my left hand, the one I take pics of, oh well.  My nub nails grow fast thankfully.

Purrs & Polish, 


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