Monday, January 19, 2015

Glitter Week & Miss Betty....Awwwww......

Hello friends, 

We made it thru Monday, yay.  I dislike Mondays, they sure can be a drag and busy too.  

So, with all the gray days we've had consistently this Winter, I decided that this week I am going to be focusing on happy, sparkly, shiny, glittery GLITTER nails all week, yay :)

Today I have a base of China Glaze "Aquadelic" on all nails with accent nails of Essence "Party In A Bottle", then Orly "Sparkling Garbage" on the rest.  I love how blingy they are, yay for glitter.  I love glitter.  I took different angle shots again tonight.  I love all the different glitter shots, yay for glitter.  I love glitter, it makes me happy.

Aquadelic on it's own

And, those are my Glitter Week #1 nails.  I am going to try to do my nails every night this week and do a post to bring some sparkle to you all in these icky gray days, yuck, but, yay to glitter. 

We got our sweet little girl kitty, Miss Betty, spayed last Tuesday and she's recovered quite well.  She has been such a good little patient with not messing with her incision and not having to wear the cone of shame.  She's such a good little cat.  Since we adopted her she's been the sweetest, most lovable little cuddle bug and now, a week after getting spayed, she's become even more sweet.  She's so happy that she got fixed, yay!  She talks to us now constantly, wants all the love and cuddles and is just the sweetest little kitty.  We love her so much and her cute, her cute, I can't take it some days.  We love all of our cats, but, this Betty, she's our little baby girl for sure.  She's a doll baby.  Here's some major cute overload of Betty here.  Look at that cute, isn't she so freaking adorable :) She's our girl. 

That face, look at that face, the cute, the cute, that face!
Betty talking to Mommy
That's it for today, have a great rest of the night and a good Tuesday.  Talk to you all soon!

Polish & Purrs,



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