Thursday, January 29, 2015

Sponge Week Interrupted For Sparkle!

Happy Friday Eve Friends,

Tomorrow's Friday, yay!!  I decided that I wanted to interrupt Sponge Week with some glitter.  I've been really hurting this week with my back and hips, so, I didn't really feel like spending much time on my nails, so, glitter it is, like anyone doesn't want GLITTER anyways!!!  Here they are.  I used a base of Sinful Colors "Lavander" (that's how it's spelled on the bottle).  No bottle shots or names, just nails tonight.

Lavandar on it's own
 I am going to try to do one more sponge mani for this week for my Sponge Week.  

In other news, good news, our baby bear kitty, Miss Betty got in the big kid litter box tonight,  was sniffing around and inspecting it which is great because that means we can finally get her little box out of the bathroom where we've had it for her since she came to live with us early November.  She's a really scared kitty about things and it's taking her some time to adjust to house kitty life. She ran downstairs about a week after she was here, was terrified of the basement, hid under the old stinky oil tank and wouldn't come out for two days, poor baby, so, she's still a bit nervous about the steps and the basement.  But, now we can move that box back downstairs slowly and my hubby and I are going to start carrying her and holding her downstairs when we go down to get her confidence up about the basement.  She'll get it, she's so happy, loves life and trusts Mommy and Daddy a bazillion percent.  We have the one big kid litter box upstairs right now cuz' we have our outside kitty staying downstairs until it warms up, so, he's down there and we shut the basement door. I am so proud of her and when I saw her get in it tonight I had such a proud kitty Mommy moment, yay, our baby Betty.

That's it for now.  I am hurting and am going to just chill the rest of the night.  Talk to you all soon.  Dino and Pebbles bid you fare thee well till we chat again! 
Dino & Pebbles
 Glitter & Purrs, 


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